We are thrilled to announce that the Eden Project Sleep Out will still be going ahead this year on Thursday 19 Nov!
However, due to the current social distancing measures, we are going virtual! While it is sad we can't be together in person we are really excited that this means more people can get involved from across the country including, for the first time, families with younger children.
The idea is simple, on Thursday 19th November, sleep out in your garden, balcony or even living room floor. You can sleep in a tent, a homemade den or (if you are brave enough) under the stars. You can take part in this event with your family, school, workplace or even a (small) group of friends just as long as you follow the rules on social distancing!
During the Coronavirus pandemic, we have continued to run our service, providing a safe temporary home to homeless young people and providing the structure and support needed for them to re-build their lives. Homelessness among young people is on the increase and it is more important than ever that we continue our work, so thank you for your support!