Here at Heathrow Special Needs Centre we want to expand our opportunities for visitor interaction with our animals and we are committed to ensuring the broadest range of activities for everyone.
Alpacas are friendly, endearing and have such welcoming faces that just draw out relaxation and calming feelings from all who interact with them.
The trustees, staff and volunteers have been quietly pushing forwards the vision of bringing alpacas to the Centre and have created a secure enclosure and breed specific field shelter that is located so the animals can access the covered arena to enable all weather trekking opportunities for willing visitors in due course.
Finding suitable alpacas has been a lengthy process but we have finally met with Alpaca Annie who is a breeder near Romney and has a family group that would be perfect for our needs. These photos show some of her animals. Unfortunately, and despite receiving a discount on the original asking price, the total cost exceeds our available funds already given towards this project. We have a limited time to raise additional monies towards the cost and so are reaching out to our friends and supporters in the hope that we can raise sums to make our dream a reality.
Should you feel able to contribute then please find our JustGiving link as shown. If you would like to support this project in another way then please contact the Charity Secretary as below.