Twenty-seven year-old Katie arrived pregnant at Valley Mission with two young daughters, health issues related to a current pregnancy, and no childcare options. Understandably so, Katie was unemployed and struggling. During her stay at Valley Mission, Katie underwent a transformation she put herself and her children first, working closely with our case management team to obtain vital records, housing, employment, and childcare. Valley Mission also afforded Katie the comfort and assistance that she needed to give birth to a healthy son. At present, Katie and her young family have been living in their own apartment for more than two months. Not only is Katie working, but she has now purchased a car and paid her rent in advance for three months. We are so very proud of Katie!
When she first arrived at our shelter, Katie was afraid and uncertain. These emotions certainly resonate with most of us due to the current COVID-19 crisis. While we face a time that exposes our vulnerabilities, Valley Mission remains constant, caring for those in need, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This is no easy task, and even though we do not charge for our services, those services are not free. The cost of our operations has never been more apparent than right now due to the temporary closure of our thrift stores. We must increase our revenue to keep serving local families experiencing homelessness. Your immediate, generous financial contribution ensures that individuals and families will be nourished from a hot meal, feel the warmth of a soothing shower, and find respite in the comfort of a safe bed. Without your contribution, this may not be possible!