Do your bit to celebrate Airedale Hospitals 50th anniversary!
You dont have to be a super juggler or marathon runner to take part in this challenge.
Many events in the UK have been postponed or cancelled due to COVID-19 and sadly that means our 50th anniversary celebrations will look slightly different this year. Now more than ever we would love you to get involved in fundraising for our hospital whilst celebrating this special occasion.
Take a look at our challenge ideas, available on our website, for inspiration on what you can do: learn 50 new spellings? Walk 50 miles? Read 50 books? Bake 50 buns? Theres something for everyone.
What next? Well, why not setup your own fundraising page on Just Giving to show everyone how its done. You can link your page to our official 50:50 challenge campaign and post regular updates to your friends and followers. Or, if you would prefer, you can simply complete your challenge and donate your sponsorship to us afterwards.
Make sure you let us know what you are up to we would love to shout about you from the rooftops, we might even be able to give you a few tips along the way.
Most of all have fun and take some time to celebrate our hospital being part of your community for the past 50 years.
We will be sharing the proceeds of this campaign 50:50 between our two hospital charities Airedale Hospital & Community Charity and Friends of Airedale.