Could you help to fundraise during this time of crisis? Our staff and volunteers are working around the clock to help the most vulnerable members of our local older community and would love your support to keep this vital work going through helping with this fundraising effort.
Service user quote....
"I don't know where I'd be without your help, I've been told to stay at home, but without any family around, I have no way to get the food I need each week. The lovely lady who brought me my shopping and my prescription is an absolute angel"
It's quick, it's simple and there's no distance target, just get out for run (or walk) everyday during the month of MAY. For every day you complete a run, put a pound in a jar BUT for every day you miss a run, put a £2 forfeit into the jar!
Whether you get friends involved to make it a competition or enjoy this as a personal challenge, we'd be very grateful and look forward to seeing your photos and comments on our Facebook and Twitter with the hashtag #IMAYRun