Could you donate or fundraise to help older residents in Hammersmith and Fulham continue to receive nutritious meals during these precarious times?
Since the beginning of the pandemic, Age UK Hammersmith and Fulham have worked closely with local food businesses to provide cooked meals for some of our isolated older residents. Last spring, working with partners like Waitrose, Fresh Fitness Foods and Pear Drops Catering, with support from local businesses Yoox, UK Harvest, Chelsea Football Club, Di Lusso and Play Days Parties, we were able to deliver almost 4,000 meals. The first meal delivery services came to an end as the lockdown lifted and regular services resumed at the Age UK Hammersmith and Fulham centre on Greyhound Rd.
"The Service ran by Age UK I believe saved some very vulnerable tenants from unbearable hardship. The people I referred were people that I discovered were in desperate needThe service provided by Age UK took all the stress away from me by phoning residents directly and taking over the whole business of continued interaction and assessment of their needs throughout the lockdown. - Specialist Housing Officer
Since Novembers lockdown, Rude Health Café has stepped up to provide delicious and nutritious free meals for older people in need. The Emergency Meal Delivery recipients have been extremely grateful to have freshly prepared meals delivered to their doors.
We are unable to go out to shop or buy anything to bring in and I cannot do any cooking as I am unwell with an infection in both eyes and my husband has been having cancer treatment. The meal to the door has helped me a lot and I give thanks for all the help Ive been getting.
Unfortunately, the meal delivery service helping isolated older people to ensure they have a cooked supper is in danger of coming to an end. That's why were calling on the community of Hammersmith and Fulham to help us continue this service during these precarious times.
By donating £15 you'll provide cooked meals for an older Hammersmith and Fulham resident for 5 days. If you would like to start a fundraiser among friends and colleagues, it is easy to set up a page with us on Just Giving. Whatever you can afford will make a difference to those who need our support until the lockdown is lifted, more people are vaccinated and services are less stretched.