Oak trees are the UK's most important tree for biodiversity, supporting around 2,200 species, more than any other native tree species.
Today our native oak trees are under threat.
Our iconic oak trees face a fight for survival against pests and diseases that have the potential to devastate the oak population.
These include oak processionary moth, acute oak decline, xylella, root-attacking species of honey fungus and powdery mildews.
Losing oak trees from our landscape would impact our well-being, economy, environment and the species that depend on them.
Research and monitoring has begun but we must do more to ensure we protect our majestic oak trees for future generations to enjoy.
With your support, Action Oak will protect our iconic trees for future generations.
Action Oak brings together representatives from charities, landowners and government to develop a coordinated plan to identify and tackle issues threatening our native oak trees.
The programme of work that Action Oak has identified to protect oak trees includes:
- Working with owners and managers of oak trees and woodlands to help to protect the trees from a range of threats.
- Funding research to improve our understanding of the threats to our oak trees and to inform best management practices.
- Using established professional and citizen science networks to record changes in the distribution, age and health of our oak trees to identify priority areas for action.
- Encouraging organisations to join the Action Oak initiative and people to support Action Oak.
Your support today can help protect our majestic oak trees, securing their place in our landscape for future generations to enjoy.
Photography by Edward Parker