Irish Life Dublin Marathon 2023
Running the Irish Life Dublin Marathon 2023?
We are asking you to use your marathon to support Acquired Brain Injury Ireland.
Run to make a difference to brain injury survivors.
Approximately 150,000 people in Ireland are living with a brain injury today.
You can help rebuild lives after brain injury. Empowering people to live to their full potential. That's what Acquired Brian Injury Ireland can do with your support.
What do you need to do?
If you've got your place already you can start fundraising now!
Set up your fundraising page here on JustGiving and get started.
Click the orange "start fundraising" button above to begin.
Need a place on the marathon?
Contact Matt on to request a charity place.
Every step you take and every cent you raise will help to ensure that Acquired Brain Injury Ireland is there for brain injury survivors and their families when they need it most.