With generous and transformative support from Eddie Van Halen over the years and now continuing through his son Wolfgang, The Mr. Holland’s Opus Foundation is pleased to announce that the Van Halen Family has committed to kickstarting the Adopt A School campaign with a generous $1,000 donation towards each of the first 100 participating schools.
The Paul Harding Junior High School band program needs your help! Saxophones, tubas, a vibraphone, flutes, trombones, clarinets, and trumpets are needed to eliminate students sharing instruments, replace aged instruments that are beyond repair, and to allow more students to participate in the program.
"Paul Harding students are middle school-aged musicians. They are just beginning their band experience and are discovering the benefits of hard work and team cooperation through their involvement in band class. Learning to master playing an instrument is a huge undertaking, but these students show me their commitment and excitement for learning every day. All students are welcome in the band program and daily we strive to set aside our personal concerns, our divisions and social groups, and our outside stressors in order to focus on making music as one unified ensemble. We are better together." - Paul Harding Junior High School Band Director
Schools participating in the Adopt A School campaign are qualified through MHOF’s vetting and eligibility process, giving donors confidence that their investment is protected and sustainable, impacting students for a minimum of 10 years (the lifespan of an instrument in a school setting.) Donations made to this school’s fundraising campaign go directly to The Mr. Holland’s Opus Foundation (MHOF). MHOF then purchases the specific instruments the school is in need of at a substantially discounted price and the instruments deliver directly to the school.
Donate today and help these students foster their love of music!
To spread the word on social media or link to this page in your own fundraising efforts, use the links below! And to learn more about The Mr. Holland's Opus Foundation's Adopt A School campaign, visit or contact MHOF at or 818-762-4328.
[5% of donations are retained for JustGiving’s required service fee, MHOF retains an additional 10% to cover administrative costs associated with school vetting and granting of instruments.]