The Richmond SPCA is a nonprofit, no-kill humane society in Richmond, Virginia. We stand for the principle that every life is precious by:
Saving the lives of about 4,000 homeless dogs, cats, kittens and puppies each year by transferring them into our care primarily from shelters all over Virginia where their lives are at risk without us.
Providing extensive veterinary medical treatment and behavioral rehabilitation to the vast majority of the dogs and cats in our shelter because they come to us with significant veterinary medical issues and/or behavioral challenges.
Adopting about 4,000 homeless pets into loving, lasting homes each year.
Operating our community's first and only full-service, low-cost veterinary hospital for the pets of people of modest means.
Offering a free behavior helpline and resource library that provide guardians advice, training guidance and support that allows them to keep their pets and not relinquish them to a shelter.
Delivering free sterilization surgeries and rabies vaccinations to community cats brought to our veterinary hospital by community members engaging in Trap-Neuter-Return.
Providing educational programs for children to learn the importance of creating a more humane world.
Teaching more than 30 reward-based pet training classes per week.
Advocating for progressive, humane legislation in our community and state.