Managing the Covid-19 crisis is a team effort. Wokingham borough council, town and parish councils, voluntary groups, community organisations and charities, neighbourhoods and individual people are all pulling together to support those of us who need extra help at this time.
The Wokingham Borough Community Response is our borough-wide one stop shop for helping those in need during this difficult time. You might have seen one of our army of volunteers around the borough - doing essential shopping, dropping off food parcels or delivering prescriptions. You won't have seen all those who are answering the phones to worried residents in need of help, telephoning people who are isolated to check if they're ok and offering some friendship at an especially lonely time.
All the money raised will go to fund food parcels for vulnerable people across the Borough, and any funds left over once the food hub closed will be distributed to the voluntary sector organisations involved in this combined response.
For more information please contact Emma Cantrell,