Since the invasion of Ukraine on 24th February 2022, hundreds of thousands of refugees mostly women and children have arrived in Romania with only their hand-carried possessions.
White Stork was formed in response to this crisis, in order to help provide medical and other much needed supplies to both the incoming refugees in Romania and Ukrainians still in their country. We have extensive contacts in Cluj-Napoca, Romania and now also in Ukraine itself, meaning we are able to get up-to-date information on what supplies are most needed. Our volunteer team in Cluj sources everything locally and then drives to the Ukrainian borders both at Sighet and Siret for distribution. You can visit our website for more information
All donations are spent entirely on emergency relief: medical aid, food, clothing, bedding, transportation of supplies and accommodation for Ukrainian refugees in Romania and those displaced people still in Ukraine. This is possible due to White Storks core operational costs being paid for by Global Lingo and through the generosity of all our volunteers giving up their free time to help.
White Stork is proud to be partnered with The Bryan Adams Foundation who have supported this venture from the start.