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Our campaign is now complete. 55 supporters helped us raise £1,358.00

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Closed 03/10/2022
Midland langar Seva Society

30 Day Water Fast Challenge

Gurm will be doing a water only fast for the month of June, which is water only, no food and no beverages. Gurm will be having salt and electrolytes in the water. Water fasting will heal every part of the body. Gurm will be documenting his journey.
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Closed on 03/10/2022
RCN 1156965

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Gurm will be completing a water fast for the whole of June. Gurm will be having distilled water along with pink Himalayan salt or electrolyte. Over the past two years he has researched the benefits of prolonged water fasting. Fasting will heal every part of your body that needs to be healed. Fasting cleanses the arteries and eye's it enhances the nerves, the cognitive state and temperature.

The water fast will have benefits such as: Lose weight, Detoxification Health, Spiritual connection and Lower blood pressure. Aids autophagy ( process in which old parts of your cells are broken down and recycled) autophagy may help protect against disease like Cancer and Alzheimer's and heart diseases.

Gurm will have the following monitored blood levels, blood pressure, BMI, weight, measurements. A personal trainer and nurse will be on board. Gurm will be documenting his journey by having weekly check ins. Letting everyone know how he feels mentally and physically and emotionally throughout the journey.

Gurm can only share with you what I have learned over the past two years. By doing this prolonged water only fast it makes you humble and you will experience what it's like going with out food, what some of our services users have to go through. The people in the third world countries that have no food. Waheguru ji blessed with the Seva.

About the charity

Midland Langar Seva Society est 2013 is a multi award winning charity, including the Queens Award. The objective of the Charity is to provide relief for the homeless and vulnerable by means of food and humanitarian support. MLSS operates on Sikh based ethos, we help and support all cultures.

Donation summary

Total raised
+ £274.50 Gift Aid
Online donations
Offline donations
Direct donations
Donations via fundraisers

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