Our present hall was constructed from a farm building which was gifted to the people of Walpole St Peter in 1924. Since that time much has changed and the hall is now widely available and used by the joint community of the Walpoles and beyond.Much has also changed with the building itself which as it approaches its 100th year is fast coming to the end of its life. A survey has concluded that repairing the building would never bring it to an acceptable standard, therefore demolition and rebuilding was the only satisfactory and cost effective option.
Our hall is home to our local Scouts, Beavers and Cubs, Good Companions, exercise classes, bingo, crafts, quilters, dog training, gardeners and guitar club to name but a few. It is also regularly used for charity events, as our Polling Station, by the parish Council and as we are opposite the famous Walpole St Peter church we receive bookings for wakes and christening parties.
We are currently busy fundraising and applying for grants, however we need to raise £300,000 - £325,000 so we need as much help as possible.
PLEASE help us to rebuild, and save our hall from closure by giving whatever you are able. Without this facility there will be so many people who will suffer lack of companionship and a chance to feel part of a very special community. THANK YOU.