Welcome to the Biola Volleyball giving page. We are committed to building a program that can win consistently against the highest level of competition in NCAA Division II, and bring glory to God while we do it. Our student-athletes are devoted to their studies, to their spiritual walk and to getting better on the volleyball court every day.
From Coach Seltzer:
We are honored that you would consider contributing to our team. Our student-athletes are grateful for your support, which contributes to the success of our program. They work extremely hard on and off the court and they are great examples of the type of character we want in Biola student-athletes.
Giving to our program allows our student-athletes to have the best experience possible during their time at Biola. Your gift will be used to provide opportunities for our team to grow and thrive together. Through increased ability to travel to new places for competition the student-athletes are equipped to become the best athletes they can be. Alongside new equipment purchases for practices/training and more scholarship aid to gift to our student-athletes, our team can continue to succeed as a team at the NCAA level and as the family it has always been.
For up to date info please check out our website: