Village Enterprise equips the extreme poor in Africa with resources to start sustainable businesses through a four-part program: entrepreneurship training, a cash grant, business mentoring, and a savings group. Village Enterprise also has a sustained focus on increasing gender equity. In 2021, 83% of first-time entrepreneurs in the program were women.
Their annual demonstrated impact includes:
Launching operations in Ethiopia with the DREAMS for Refugees partnership with Mercy Corps, which aims to start 1,200 businesses within the year and 3,600 businesses long term.
Integrating their poverty graduation model, which provides business mentorship, seed capital, and savings and investment training, into government social protection programs in Kenya and Rwanda.
Building credibility and receiving a $6.5 million award from USAID Development Innovation Ventures, their largest grant in the past decade, to partner with the Government of Rwanda to scale their poverty graduation program in the country.