On 24 February 2022, Russia launched a devastating war on the Ukraine. Thousands of innocent people have been tragically killed. Hundreds of thousands of families are displaced by war and exhausted by sheer trauma. As in all wars, children are suffering terribly and displaced children are at risk of trafficking.
Tuesday's Child is fundraising to support catholic missionaries working in the Ukraine under the banner "triumph of hearts"; they have have been doing amazing work for years bringing much needed aid to children and people of all ages in Ukraine. Since the outbreak of war they have distributed aid through a logistically excellent and long established network of humanitarian support. They also support children's homes dedicated to the Heart of Mary. We first met them in Fatima on 8 December, where Our Lady appeared to three little shepherds in 1917 asking for the daily Rosary and sacrifices for an end to war and told the children she will come to ask for the consecration of Russia to her Immaculate Heart and reparation on first Saturdays. On 25 March 2022 Pope Francis consecrated Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
In March 70 trucks of aid were distributed to key areas affected by the war. Areas helped include Kiev in Northern Ukraine, Lviv, Ternopol, Ivano Frankisvk, Khmelnyzkyj, Chernivisti and Vinnyzja in Western Ukraine and Odessa in the South. In April they are sending aid also to refugee centres in Poland and Romania. Food costs are approximately 5000 Euro per 15 tonnes of food and freight costs 2500 Euro per truck. Other items distributed include: fire fighting equipment, medical aid, blankets, clothes, hygiene items and items for babies and children.
To donate, click on Give now. 100 percent of donations will go to the relief effort.
Let us also pray for the dead, the bereaved, the displaced and the missing and for protection of children at risk of trafficking and for an end to this terrible war.
Christ, Prince of Peace, pray for us, Our Lady Queen of Peace and Mother of Mercy pray for us, St. Joseph pray for us. Pope St. John Paul II and all the holy angels and saints protect humanity. In the words of Pope Francis, "in the name of God, stop these abominable actions".
Tuesday's Child was inspired during a pilgrimage to Medjugorje in May 2006 and registered as a humanitarian charity for children on in March 2007. Tuesday's Child partners with catholic missionaries in areas of war and extreme hardship.