2020 has been a difficult year for all of us, but it's been particularly difficult for those who receive social care support; care home residents have been unable to see their family members, and have had to get used to staff wearing PPE, whilst other services were suspended altogether, leaving families struggling without access to their usual support networks.
That's why, in the run up to Christmas we're gathering gifts, funds and donations for people we support. You can donate to a service of your choice or The Mungo Foundation as a whole.
£5 - could pay for SIM cards/ power top-ups for vulnerable young people in contact with our ASIST and other services
£10 - could pay for prizes for our online and socially distanced quizzes and bingo
£20 - could pay for an extra special Christmas lunch with all the trimmings for four people we support at various projects
£50 - could pay for tablets to keep those we support in contact with their loved ones over this Covid pandemic, festive period and beyond
If you would like your donation to go gifts for a particular service, just let us know in the 'Your Message' section when making your donation :)
Help us to make it a good end to a difficult year - take part in The Mungo Foundation Christmas Sensation!
Izzy 07980 752622