Your support enables Chicago-Kent to make innovative curricular changes designed to improve career opportunities for students.
It also helps C-K create new educational programs and legal experiences for students, such as the 1L Your Way program, the Patent Hub, and certificate programs in compliance, technology, and litigation technology. IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law ranks highly amongst its competitors:
#91 Law School ranking by U.S. News & World Report
# 4 U.S. Trial Advocacy ranking by U.S. News & World Report
A+ intellectual property law grade by preLaw magazine
#10 intellectual property law in the nation by U.S. News & World Report
#19 in the nation among part time programs by U.S. News & World Report
Why support Chicago-Kent?
Gifts like yours impact the day-to-day lives of students and allow us to innovate while maintaining and attracting new students to the signature programs that you and other alumni value.
Karen Klein '95 has pledged $25,000 to support Chicago-Kent's legal tech education if 100 alumni and friends make a gift to support C-K on Today for C-K. Be 1 of 100 to make a gift TODAY!
Frequently Asked Questions
I live outside of the United States. How can I support Today for C-K 2021?
To make a gift from outside the U.S., please visit
If you have any questions, please contact Joe Volin, senior director of constituent engagement, at