Every year the Derbyshire Cricket Foundation organises the annual fundraiser, the
T20 Walkathon. A charitable event that involves participants walking from Trent Bridge, Nottingham to the Incora County Ground in Derby. A walk of approximately 20 miles. However unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the walk in its previous form has had to be adapted to make it possible during the current restrictions.
So, the new challenge for 2020 is for participants to walk a minimum of 20 miles during the week of 27th July 2nd August! The challenge will encourage participants to walk a certain distance during each day of the week, with an aim of doing at least 20 miles across the 7 days. This way participants can walk wherever they like and in smaller groups or on their own (observing social distancing). There will be some individual prizes awarded for those who walk the most miles during the week!!
Alternatively, if the participants are up for a challenge, they could walk the entire 20 miles in one day, just like the usual T20 walkathon! For those that want to, this can be on a day of your choice during Walkathon Week. In addition to these two challenges there will be a Combined Business Challenge for the business whose employees can clock up the most miles during the week!
The aim of the week is of course to raise as much money as possible. The money raised will be split between the Derby & Burton Hospitals Charity and Derbyshire Cricket Foundation Return to Cricket Fund.
The Return to Cricket Fund is designed to support Cricket Clubs in Derbyshire and help ease the impact of COVID-19 on the grass roots game
The Derby & Burton Hospitals Charity are Derbyshire CCCs partner charity and are doing some great work on the frontline of the current pandemic