Join a virtual challenge this April to October and help rescue dogs who need us more than ever. As we face confinement, our dogs will still need to be out, even if that's into the garden, round the local street, onto the common for a pee. Let's share the new normal of all of us getting through it together with our dogs by our side. Pick when you walk, choose your places to walk locally and with strict social distancing, have something orange coloured with you and amaze yourself at how much you can do in 2020 - the year of COVID-19 - for rescue dogs.
We'll all be joining in, supporting and motivating each other, so that even though you're doing it alone with your dogs, you'll still feel very much part of the Schnauzerfest family.
We must remember puppy farm dogs in this huge year of uncertainty.
Whether you walk once this year for Schnauzerfest, or 500 times, it will all make a difference. This is not an event to do with others, it is done locally, alone, with strict social distancing measures in place at all times.
Even though COVID-19 is causing great uncertainty and social isolation becomes wider spread, we will hopefully still be walking our dogs through the year, even if limited and alone. So our virtual challenge will be a way to share your walks, to show others that life in isolation need not mean any of us are alone in this. This is not about travelling for walks, it is about taking a step with your dog, for others. It could just be a few steps out into the garden, something puppy farm dogs never know about.
Our usual big fundraising weekend of walks happens each year over the 2nd weekend in October. There are 27 weeks, or 192 days, between 1st April and then. We want you to step out with your dogs as often as you choose and are able to under confinement and with social distancing. Once a day, once a week, a month, carrying or wearing something orange - a ribbon, doggy bandana, a bag, anything you choose - and take a step for rescue dogs who Schnauzerfest will help.
Walk in your local area, around your neighbourhood, a little farther afield if we're permitted and it is safe to do so under COVID-19 restrictions. Social distancing must be maintained. Do NOT travel for this. As long as we're still permitted to, if you have any close by, visit the many locations where schnauzer group walks take place in easier times (many will be closed), but do it alone. It's important this is NOT done with others, not in gatherings - when you join our Step Out For Schnauzerfest Challenge it is you and your dogs, that's it, with something orange. Stay close to home, walk around the garden, or street, showing our dogs and us getting through this topsyturvy year together. Step by step.
We ask you to set up your own page on Just Giving with a target - this can be as little or large as you want. You will record your walks on your own page with photos and be invited to share where and when you step out for Schnauzerfest on our social media accounts using the hashtag #StepOutForSchnauzerfest
Q. When will it happen?
It would be great if we all started in April, walked and shared what we do all the way through to October. But it's fine to complete the challenge in your own time, whenever you can.
Q. How do I record my walks?
It's motivating to see what you've done and where. Not just for you but also your own supporters and the whole Schnauzerfest community. Our dogs will help us get through this year, step by step. So on your Just Giving fundraising page add your updates each time you #StepOutForSchnauzerfest. Post on social media - our event page on Facebook is there for you to post on, tweet and post on Instagram - using the hashtag #StepOutForSchnauzerfest
Q. How much money do I have to raise
As much or as little as you choose! You can donate something for each walk you record, or ask others to support you. Pick a target and aim for it, but make it fun and please don't worry about making it a big one, £5 or £500, the main thing in these uncertain times is we keep getting out with our dogs when and wherever we can, safely and with social distancing firmly in place. We're in this together, step by step!