As we approached the centenary of Armistice Day 2018, it came to light that there were some names missing from the War Memorial in Pennington. The Musketeer pub spearheaded the campaign to add new names to the War Memorial. Melvyn Cole, the branch secretary for the Lymington Royal British Legion has worked with us to create an amazing temporary plaque so that we could commemorate the names with our Remembrance services last year.
We now have permission to add these names permanently to the War Memorial in Pennington. War Memorials were originally funded through public subscription, so we are asking for your support to remember these former residents of Pennington who lost their lives serving the country in the First World War. We are also applying for grants to support this work.
If you can help, please give here - or send a cheque made payable to 'St Mark's PCC', to St Mark's Church, Ramley Raod, Pennington, SO41 8GQ, and mark that it is for the war memorial.
Revd Rachel Noël says,
"We are looking forward to getting these names permanently added to our War Memorial, in recognition of all that these people gave for their community and their country."