The St Andrews Beach Wheelchairs are now in their third season of operation. Due to Covid 19 we have been unable to open this year so far due to the restrictions. We have also been unable to hold our usual fundraising activities due to the pandemic. However this is all about to change as we are opening the scheme at the end of July and all will be able to enjoy our beaches again. In order to continue to offer this service we need to fundraise and we are launching our campaign here. The scheme puts a smile on everyone's faces as families are able to enjoy the beaches with their loved ones who may otherwise not have access to this wonderful boost to our physical and mental health of walking along the wonderful West Sands Beach in St Andrews. For many who have been sheltered this will be a wonderful opportunity to feel the freedom of the beach and the sea again. We hope that you feel you might be able to help support our reopening and ongoing operation

with a donation or an event to raise funds.