HELP! Our Ponies Urgently Need Your Help!
The Coronavirus has put Park Lane Stables RDA at serious risk of closure. We have been forced to temporarily close our doors to the public and cease all activities until further notice in line with government guidelines. This means around 350 disabled children and adults will not receive their much-needed equine therapy. Not to mention all our other riders and Pony Club members who will not be able to ride for the foreseeable future.
We rely entirely on participants paying for their riding sessions and donations for our survival. We do not have any reserves. All our income goes straight into feeding and looking after our horses and ponies. So, without any income, we cannot feed our horses or pay our staff to look after them.
How you can help...
Please sponsor one of our amazing ponies (listed below) for one week. Choose the pony you wish to sponsor, then follow this link to complete our online Sponsorship Form:
This will help to cover the cost of hay, feed and straw bedding for one week. It will also make a small contribution towards farrier, vet, grooming and exercising costs for your pony.
Above all, it will help Park Lane Stables to survive the Coronavirus crisis so, when this madness is all over, well still be around to give therapy and happiness to hundreds of people.
How much does is cost?: £30 (or more if you wish to donate more).
Just click on the donate button, or, if you prefer, you can pay via bank transfer: Lloyds Bank, Park Lane Stables RDA. Sort code: 77-08-08. Account: 57879060. Ref: Sponsor (Pony's name).
You will get... a Sponsorship Certificate and postcard. Plus, the feel-good factor that you have done your bit to help us survive. And, of course, our deepest, heartfelt thanks.
You can sponsor any of the ponies featured below. Scroll down to the gallery below to see our ponies - the photos are in the same order as their descriptions here:
1. Annie's Whizz... Hello, my name is Annie's Whizz and I'm a 15-year-old RDA therapy pony. I'm very cute and small at only 11 hands high and I love being cuddled. No carrots for me though as I have a strict no-sugar diet. I love living in London and going out and about to meet people. My best friend at Park Lane Stables is a 40-year-old ex-racehorse called Prodny.
2. Dougie... Hello, my name is Dougie and Im a 14.2hh 12-year-old piebald gelding. I am the main Hippotherapy pony because I am one of the kindest, gentlest and most patient ponies you will ever meet. But dont be fooled I can go very fast and Ill happily turn my hooves to anything from Pony Club activities to Pony Racing at Ascot! Everyone loves me because there is nothing I cannot do. Natalie says Im one in a million and I wear a halo. I love hanging out with Jack; hes my best friend.
3. Jack... Hello, my name is Jack and Im a 13-hand 7-year-old tri-coloured gelding. Natalie bought me from the funding we received from Tesco Bags of Help. I am also part of the four-legged Hippotherapy team giving lots of help to children in need. Im still a bit of a foal at heart, so I like to fool around a lot with my friend, Dougie. My favourite party trick is to undo peoples zips on their jackets its such a laugh, but the best thing in the world is to lie down and have a good scratch!
4. Marcus... Hello, my name is Marcus and Im a 14,2hh 23-year-old skewbald gentleman. I am very safe and gentle and everyone loves me. I like stopping more than going which makes me super safe for my RDA riders. My only fault is that my belly tends to rule my head and heart, but everyone forgives my greediness because Im so good in other ways. Well, cant a pony have a biscuit every now and again?
5. Trigger... Hello, my name is Trigger Im a 24-year-old 14 hands grey gelding and Ive been a Park Lane resident since the very beginning. Ive attended hundreds of ceremonies and fetes in Teddington and the last 12 Remembrance Sunday parades, for which I received a special award from The British Legion. Im a bit of a diva and I love humans; in fact Id much rather live in Natalies cottage than in my stable!
6. Eddy... Hello, my name is Eddy and Im a 21-year-old dapple grey highland pony. Ive met Princess Anne twice and she thought I was a very handsome chap! Im steady and reliable which makes me a great RDA pony. Im a bit of a dunker I love taking a mouthful of hay and then dunking it in water before I eat it. But my favourite thing in the world is a digestive or custard cream biscuit. I have been a Park Lane Stables resident since the very beginning. I love my life in London and Im really going to miss my work whilst the stables are closed.
Sponsor a Pony Now! Click on this link to complete our Sponsorship Form: