We had to suspend all our Silverfit sessions from March 23rd as our members' continued good health and well-being are our top priority. Until such times that we can get our sessions back up and running, we have been looking at ways to keep Silverfitters active via our digital channels.
We are keen to maintain a positive, online community spirit for Silverfitters and we launched Silverfit @Home on 27th March - a series of online workouts, brought to you by our instructors, that you can follow in the comfort of your own home with little or no equipment required!
Our plan is to release new videos at 10am every day to follow along, whilst we have the content to do so. All content will remain on our channel for you to do in your own time.
We are providing these videos on our YouTube channel free of charge so there are no restrictions on who can enjoy them. However, should you wish to donate towards the production and staff/instructors costs involved, we have created this Just Giving page to give you the opportunity to do so.
Silverfit @Home can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzG9yqTx20nbmv0nbYHJJ7w/