In the UK, evidence from the Femicide Census*, details how a woman is killed every three days by a man. For women killed by a current or former partner that equates to one woman every four days. We also know that statistically, on average, three women commit suicide every week as a result of the impact of male violence.
From 01/04/2021 - 31/03/2022 Aurora supported 2,522 survivors in its network of services supporting victims and survivors of domestic abuse sexual violence and stalking.
Victims and survivors remain our central priority, any support makes a difference and we are grateful for your support for our cause to end male violence and abuse. That is why we continue to raise funds and work hard for victims and survivors who are subjected to domestic abuse, sexual violence and stalking.
This year we are delighted to be the chosen charity for the Lady Mayoress of Portsmouth, Marie Costa and we will be meeting on Southsea beach opposite the coffee cup to jump in the sea on 28th December at 11am. Feel free to join us!
10:30: Meet at beach hut across from Coffee cup, Southsea seafront.
Register your name for the Sea Swim/Dip
11:00 - Sea swim/dip for five minutes max
If you can't come to Portsmouth then feel free to go to your local cold water swimming spot, beach, or open air pool at 11am on 28th December, take photos and tag us in them!
Disclaimer: Swimming is at your own risk and the burden of safety is entirely your own. You judge when to get in and out the water, and how deep or far you will go out. There is no lifeguard (or first-aid kit) and if this is a concern for you then think carefully about whether you wish to enter the water. As stated, this is a pressure-free environment. We are all there to enjoy the water, not to compete, people can give you advice, but you must be sure to keep within your limits because this is your responsibility alone.
Recommended reading for first time dippers!