With the first cases of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) being identified in Kenya and Tanzania, schools in both countries have already closed. The first case has also been diagnosed in Zimbabwe. It's undoubtedly a scary time for all of us, and those living in slum communities in East Africa are not immune to the fear. A lack of clean water or sanitation facilities in crowded homes means it's almost impossible for families to follow World Health Organisation advice.
For African Children's Fund, the school closures inevitably mean we can't run the schools-based Porridge Clubs and Education All Month, Every Month (sanitary towels) programmes. Children still need porridge however, and our partners are investigating ways they can carry on providing this. At Joy Children's Home, although their on-site school has closed, the home is very much open and numbers have been boosted by the return of the older children whose secondary schools have closed.
There is also an urgent need for soap and sanitisers. Sarah from Joy told us that when she tried to buy hand sanitisers for the home, they were simply much too expensive and she had to buy spirit and glycerine instead.
The team at the Nsimbe Transit Home in Uganda report a similar situation.
Elsewhere in Kenya, our local partner - Watoto Kwanza - has identified 100 of the poorest families in the Thika community in need of additional support. These families have children who normally benefit from Porridge Clubs and the Education All Month, Every Month programme at Thamuru, N'gate and Mwtingiri Primary Schools. Watoto Kwanza would like to provide these families with a care package consisting of maize, cooking fat, porridge mix, sugar, rice, soap and sanitary towels.
Each care package costs around £15 so we have increased the fundraising target on our appeal page accordingly.
We are therefore calling on our supporters to donate whatever you can afford to help our partners provide soap and detergent to as many families as possible, whose children would normally be supported by our existing programmes.
Just £5 will provide soap and detergent for a family. £15 will provide a care package to a family living in poverty.
We appreciate it is a difficult time for so many of you and we are hugely grateful for any support you are able to provide. From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you.