Since its inception in 2018, Seva street has seen the number of rough sleepers and homeless grow dramatically. Seva Street has been expanding its service with love to meet the growing need. We provide hot meals, beverages, clothes and comfort.
The winter season is the toughest time for those who, through no real fault of their own, are homeless,
destitute and are sleeping rough out on the streets, with little or no respite from relentless cold, damp
and lack of self-care facilities. Unthinkable circumstances but none-the-less a feint possibility for any
of us faced with a convergence of unsurmountable life-wrecking conditions.
During this season of giving and goodwill to all, were asking for your gifts of basic essentials by way of donations to our our on-going food and support programme. These items are listed below and one of each of these will constitute one complete 'Winter Survival Kit'. Our target is to assemble 200 of these kits by 20th December, in readiness for distribution to those in need on Wednesday 22nd December.
We thank you in advance for your kindness and generosity.