Clinical research has demonstrated that the psychosocial impact of venous thromboembolism (VTE) - or 'blood clots', often known as 'deep vein thrombosis' (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE), can be life-changing.
Findings from clinical research have highlighted the benefit of identifying and providing early support to individuals at risk of post traumatic stress, and where beneficial, interventions to enhance psychological well-being and recovery and reduce distress.
Every day the Thrombosis UK Team receive calls and enquiries from individuals of all ages and backgrounds who have been diagnosed with a blood clot and are struggling, not only with physical recovery but also mental well being as a result of the sudden, unexpected and often life threatening event.
Below are just a few of many comments we receive:
....." I was 16 at the time so just starting my GCSEs. One morning I woke up for school, and my left leg felt very strange.... over the next 18 months I was diagnosed with two seperate DVTs but my journey doesn't end there, due to all the damage my veins received I have had three stents put into my vein to keep it open, I have also had four major leg ulcers on my ankle due to the damage, which are horrible to have and a pain in the leg to get rid of...... I was normally a fit and healthy young lad who had a passion for cooking and training to be a chef but all this has gone and it is hard to come to terms with why..."
....."I was 22 at the time, for a long time I struggled with fatigue, blurred vision and dizzy spells. When I was eventually diagnosed with a PE my family were told they might need to say goodbye.... A diagnosis was a relief, but I had no undertsanding of the journey ahead of me..."
....."The biggest challenge has been accepting the 'new norm' at an age when you think you can do anything..."
....."I had planned to retire at 65 and travel. I now feel that has gone out of the window because it has taken away my confidence..."
With variation in access to NHS services and an overwhelmed system, Thrombosis UK is determined to make a difference for the many tens of thousands of people affected by thrombosis every year in the UK, and the hundreds of thousands struggling with the after effects of a life-changing event.
With your help, funds raised through the REGAIN Appeal will be used by Thrombosis UK to address an identified gap in NHS services and provided:
- UK wide timely and accessible access to support and information.
- A dedicated clinical psychology service.
- Provide educational sessions and linked accredited training modules for healthcare professionals.
REGAIN will improve a patient's journey, recovery and outcome. Furthermore, the research data gathered in this programme will ensure VTE care pathways in the future include awareness of the psychological burden caused by a thrombositic event, sign post to free and accredited training have access to free resources to support recovery covering differing levels of need, care and support.