Team at Solace have responded to the initial crisis and lockdown but the crisis is far from over. We will be living with the new normal state of the pandemic for months and maybe up to18-months from now.
We are already beginning to see a surge in demand for services, with higher risk and more complex cases to deal with, and deteriorating mental health as a result.
Still to fully hit is the pandemic of loneliness and poverty and deep recession.
We know that domestic abuse has risen, now being referred to as the shadow pandemic, and we need to plan ahead for the next 2-years based on the fact Solace will be operating in crisis mode to deal with the on-going situation and the aftermath.
All areas of their work will come under pressure. For the women and children, we support their needs will be greater and there will be many more needing our support.
This is the time for us to act now to help Solace and the survivors that they support ! No one should be left homeless by choosing to say no to abuse.