Your challenge is to do at least one more mile than an YAS ambulance covers in an average 12 hour shift!
You can walk, run, cycle, swim, scoot, paddle or ride anything that is self-propelled. Do it on your own, with friends or as part of a team. Set your own time-frame for your challenge but aim to complete it within 3 months.
STEP 1: CHOOSE A DISTANCE. Either choose a distance from a specific station / county area for your challenge OR go for the average Yorkshire Ambulance Station shift of 59 miles. For a MASSIVE team challenge you could 'outrun' the total mileage covered across the YAS region in one average shift - an epic 3,936 miles!
To check the average mileage at your local ambulance station, please visit visit this page
Step 2: DECIDE HOW you want to do your mileage (i.e. run, walk, cycle etc..), set your time-frame (maximum 3 months) and plan to either go it alone or recruit your team.
Step 3: PLAN YOUR FUNDRAISING. Set up your own JustGiving fundraising page and email for suport, social media help, etc. If you are happy to fundraise on our Yorkshire-wide campaign, just click "start fundraising on this page and follow the instructions.
If you want to suport the campaign for one of our areas, visit the Outrun an Ambulance home page and select your particular area from the drop-down list which will take you to the campaign page for your area, from where you can set up your own page in the same way as above.
Step 4: GO FOR IT! Everyone who completes their Outrun an Ambulance challenge and raises at least £1 will receive a special Certificate of Thanks. Those fundraising heroes who complete their challenge and raise £100 or more will also be sent a medal.
Donations from the Outrun an Ambulance challenge will be used to provide enhanced facilities and well-being support for crew and personnel operating from Ambulance Stations across the YAS region.
Please share your progress on social media using the hashtag #Icanoutrunanambulance
THANK YOU for your support and good luck with your Outrun an Ambulance challenge.