Omega supports people who are carers, former carers, bereaved, frail-elderly and socially isolated, with a particular focus on tackling end of life challenges. Omega runs support groups and free telephone / penpal befriending services for its clients. By entering the Mega Draw, you will get a chance to win some great prizes, as well as helping Omega to continue its vital work.
You can make a payment to Omega here on JustGiving to buy tickets - just click the blue 'Give Now' button. Each ticket costs £1 so, for example, a £5 payment will buy 5 tickets.
Don't forget to enter your contact details so we can send you your ticket numbers. Any payments made without contact details will be treated as donations only and no Mega Draw tickets will be assigned to you. Mega Draw ticket sales are not eligible for GiftAid.
The closing date for entries is 12 noon on August 24th 2021. The draw will take place the following day. For more information, call Omega on 01743 245 088 or email