The Oxfordshire Stroke Rehabilitation Unit (OSRU) at Abingdon Community Hospital provides specialist rehabilitation for people post-stroke. Over 100,000 people have a stroke each year in the UK and common consequences are people developing weakness in one arm and leg.
At OSRU we work hard to provide the best evidence-based rehabilitation we can, to help stroke survivors regain as much independence as possible. Our ability to do this is significantly improved by access to up-to-date equipment and resources, and for that we need your help!
We are looking to raise £7500 to purchase new equipment which will enable our stroke survivors to use their affected arms more independently, and practise their exercises at higher intensity. Both these factors are known to improve peoples chances of recovery, and we would be hugely grateful for any contribution you can make towards our cause.
This new equipment would be an enhancement to our service, and therefore wouldn't be covered through statutory funding. We hope with the support of our local community and Oxford Health Charity we can purchase this equipment to make a fantastic difference to our patients and their families.
If we are fortunate enough to reach our appeal total, then any additional donations will be placed in our OSRU fund, helping other future charity projects for this unit.