At the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, we love bees. But not just because of the amazing honey they produce!
Pollinators like bees are critical for pollinating plants that produce 90 per cent of the worlds food everything from strawberries to cucumbers. They also support biodiversity, allowing trees and flowers to reproduce, and creating habitats for wildlife.
Thats why we partner with beekeepers from all over the UK to carry out vital research into the health of bees and the habitats they depend on.
By analysing the honey samples that beekeepers send us, we are able to build up a picture of the health of the countryside. This helps us to understand more about the threats bees are facing, from climate change and loss of habitat, to pesticides, pests and diseases.
We can also use the information we gather to tell beekeepers which flowers their bees are collecting nectar from, creating the distinctive flavours and colours of their honey.
We urgently need to better understand bee foraging and health. Your support will sustain this unique scheme for the benefit of bees and beekeepers. Any donation, however small, will be appreciated. Here is an indication what we can do with your help:
A £100 donation will cover the cost of fully processing a honey sample.
A £40 donation will cover the cost of extracting and sequencing DNA from pollen from 2 samples.
A £30 donation will cover the cost of filtering pollen grains from 12 samples.
A £20 donation will cover the cost of 100 refractometer readings (a lab measurement device)
A £10 donation will cover the cost of sending out three sample packs.
Please note that, while we make every effort to analyse all the honey samples we receive, a donation does not guarantee that we will be able to analyse any particular sample. We thank you for your understanding.
Lets keep working together to find out more about the secret world of bees.
For detailed information on how we handle your donation and ensure donor personal information privacy, please see: