Since we have launched this campaign, Afghanistan has been turned upside down and the children need your support NOW more than ever. Please donate as much as you can so that we are able to bring some joy in their life.
We will continue our work in Afghanistan and not neglect these children whom through no fault of their own find themselves in this state.
Please watch this report to see the latest on plight of orphan children in Afghanistan
Please donate generously to help Aisha and children like her so that they may lead a normal life like we would like to.
The word Afghanistan is often associated with war, violence, ignorance, and social upheaval. Majority of the Afghans have not experienced a day of peace. After decades of internal intra-state conflicts, international occupations and droughts, many now who live below the poverty line.
A recent UNICEF report identified Afghanistan to be the worst place to be born in the world. Even worse for an orphan child.
The war has not only left ruins, poverty, and millions dead or maimed, but also countless orphans. UNICEF estimates the number of orphans around the world at 143 million. Afghanistan alone has 1.6 million.
These children often live-in squalid conditions. Many are made to work as child labourers making them vulnerable to exploitation.
Some 3.7 million school-age children are still not in school, according to a first-of-its-kind UNICEF report in June 2018.
Education is often referred to as the great equaliser. With your assistance we can bring a positive change in these childrens lives and open the doors to a life of prosperity and an exit from the cycle of poverty.
The Educate An Orphan project is run by Noble Connection in London alongside our team in Afghanistan.
We aim to reach as many orphan children as possible from destitute backgrounds and give them the opportunity to create a brighter future for themselves, their families and society at large.
Our team in Afghanistan ensure that every child is carefully selected and enrolled into school in accordance with our strict criteria.
Each child is then given an initial fund to purchase essential items such as school stationery and uniform. This is followed by £30 monthly payments per child. The child must attend school to continue receiving the monthly funds. Our Afghan team tracks their progress and attendance rate through bi-monthly school visits.
You can make a one-off payment for any amount to support these children to get into education.
You can also support a child through the following options:
1x £30 to sponsor a child for 1 month.
1 x £360 to sponsor a child for 1 year.
1 x £1800 to sponsor a child for 5 years.
Note: You can also set up a monthly Standing Order to sponsor a child for £30 a month. Please use the details below.
Account name: Noble Connection
Sort code: 201847
Account number: 03458768
Please use EAO as a reference and your full name.
Thank you for reading this far and we as well as the children highly appreciate your support.
For any queries please get in touch via