Our ambition is no less than Nature, thriving in our region, for the benefit of all.
We must restore our connection with the natural world for the health of people and of the planet but Britain is now one of the most nature-depleted countries in the world with one in seven of our native species facing extinction and more than a half in decline.
The Nature Connect partnership of Newcastle Hospitals, the Northumberland Wildlife Trust and the Northumberland Rivers Trust, will fund the restoration of habitats across our region and will help connect NHS patients and the Newcastle Hospitals staff looking after them, with the natural world for the benefit of their physical and mental health.
By donating to Nature Connect, you will help support patients and staff at Newcastle Hospitals but will also create a lasting legacy in our region for generations to come. Your generosity can be marked with a dedication, in your own words, in memory, for instance, of a lost loved one, to mark a special occasion, or to celebrate the working life of a retiring colleague.
Northumberland Rivers Trust
Northumberland Wildlife Trust