The Movement in May 4x140, presented Marquette College of Health Sciences and Marquette Employee Wellness, is a four-week fitness challenge for the Marquette community celebrating the 140th anniversary of Marquette University.
The Movement in May 4x140, presented by the Marquette College of Health Sciences and Marquette Employee Wellness, is a four-week fitness challenge for the Marquette community celebrating the 140th anniversary of Marquette University. The challenge kicks off on May 1 and last through May 28. Participate in a minimum of 140 minutes of outdoor exercise each week.
The Movement in May 4x140 is inspired by Bryon Riesch, a 2002 alumnus of the College of Business Administration and the 2018 All-University Spirit of Marquette Award recipient. Bryon suffered a spinal cord injury in 1998 that left him a C5 quadriplegic. Since that time he has helped form the Bryon Riesch Paralysis Foundation (BRPF) and has raised close to $6 million for spinal Cord injury research. He currently supports Dr. Murray Blackmore and the Marquette College of Health Sciences through a $500,000 grant to help find a cure.
Please take up the challenge of not only improving your health, but helping impact the lives of individuals suffering from paralysis. It's simple just set up your own fundraising page (click on the start fundraising button on the top right) and tell your friends and family about your efforts.