Our team is fundraising to support the whole range of community & access screening at the Lexi. For example:
For example:
Salusbury World Refugee Film Club: we are coming to an end of funding for this popular community programmes. Funds we raise will go towards keeping these screenings free of charge for our wonderful Salusbury World women.
Relaxed screenings - help us reach more families with special shows for neuro-diverse children and their siblings.
Cinema gems - support these affordable screenings for seniors, which are followed by an informal film discussion group in a friendly and welcoming atmosphere.
Holiday clubs - the Lexi currently offer subsidised tickets to several local holiday clubs and nurseries, bringing little ones for fun at the cinema while their parents work. We keep this affordable for local children in childcare by running shows with prices as low as we can possibly make them.
.....and many more!
A £10 donation, with Gift Aid (25% extra, at no extra cost to you), would be worth £12.50 to our community!
ABOIUT THE TRI - we want to recruit as many local people, of any shape/size or level of fitness, to enjoy local swim/cycle/runs and join 150 people from across the area. Most of us are complete sporty event novices - and over half will do Relay legs instead of all three legs. The aim is to have fun. www.kensaltri.com
ABOUT THE LEXI - the Lexi is London's only social enterprise cinema, a volunteer-run picture palace with very strong links to our local community and a unique charity in South Africa. Since 2008 we've been 'using business to do good' and putting local people at the heart of everything we do.
As well as delivering an amazing film programme we are also a valuable resource for our local neighbourhood and home borough of Brent, delivering a multitude of film-based community projects.