I had a nice dinner delivered with a pudding and a lovely little present, it makes a change from the ready meal I would usually have. When you are on your own it brightens up your day - Gertrude, 84, Brixton
2020 has been a difficult year for everyone, but for older isolated people in Lambeth it has been especially tough. Many people were asked to shield, frightened for their lives if they went out, struggling to get food and with varying degrees of internet connectivity many were cut off from the outside world.
Age UK Lambeth supported over 13,000 people across Lambeth during lockdown and now as we look towards Christmas we are planning to ensure that older people in Lambeth who will be alone over the festive period have something to look forward to.
We are bringing together a huge team of volunteers to make an extra Christmas dinner and drop it off to a neighbour who will be on their own. Alongside the dinner the older person will receive a goody bag full of items to cheer them up:
A cracker which they will pull with the volunteer dropping the meal off
, puzzle books
, tin of biscuits
, chocolates, individual Christmas cake
, handwritten Christmas card
, word searches, information about our services
We will also provide the volunteer with a plate so that they can give the dinner on a proper plate without worrying about getting it back.
Your support could not only help pay for the Christmas goody bag but also events that we are running to help reduce loneliness.
Between March and September MYsocial ran 400 online events to help keep people's spirits up and to reduce loneliness. We run many different kinds of events such as exercise classes, sing-a-long sessions, creative writing, and even a festival with performers. We also have a phone line to catch up with our members who don't have the internet and have spent time getting as many people online as possible.
Over 56% of people aged over 65 in Lambeth live alone and over 2,500 class themselves as lonely. Social isolation and loneliness are terrible at any time of year but these feelings can be made worse at Christmas.
Your donation today will support older people this festive season and make a difference to their lives.
could pay for a new member pack for MYsocial to help an in Lambeth to make new friends in their neighbourhood and reduce social isolation and loneliness.
could pay for a volunteer to host a walking event encouraging people to get together in small, safe groups for some gentle exercise.
could pay for an activity sessions such as tai chi or yoga to help keep people healthy and active.
£100 could pay for a sing-along session to cheer people up and lower their stress levels