Izmir Earthquake Relief Fund

Help victims to recover from the devastating effects of the 7.0-magnitude earthquake that hit Izmir and surrounding regions in Turkey on 30 October 2020.
Our campaign is now complete. 482 supporters helped us raise £31,295.00
Visit the charity's profileHelp victims to recover from the devastating effects of the 7.0-magnitude earthquake that hit Izmir and surrounding regions in Turkey on 30 October 2020.
Closed 30/11/2020
6 December 2020 (1)
We would like to invite our Izmir Earthquake Relief Fund supporters to our monthly donors-only online event series "Guzel Isler". On 9 December 2020 (17:30 UK, 20:30 TR), Guzel Isler's topic is "Earthquake, Solidarity and Civil Society" / "Deprem, Dayanisma ve Sivil Toplum". Our speakers for the event are Sema Genel Karaosmanoglu (Director, Support to Life Association / Hayata Destek Dernegi) and Ali Ercan Ozgur (Co-founder, Needs Map Association / Ihtiyac Haritasi Dernegi). The event will be in Turkish, you can register for the event here.
All our donors who have consented to receiving email updates from Turkey Mozaik Foundation have been subscribed to our newsletters (bi-monthly, in English) and future event notifications (monthly, "Guzel Isler", in Turkish). You can unsubscribe from our newsletters anytime. If you have donated anonymously and would like to hear from us, please send us your name and email addresses and we can add you to our newsletter list.
6 December 2020 (2)
Please find below further details regarding the funded projects:
Total grant 125,000 TRY, Turkey Mozaik Foundation contribution 90,000 TRY
Search and Rescue Association (Arama Kurtarma Dernegi - AKUT) conducts voluntary search and rescue work in natural disasters and accidents such as earthquakes, floods or major hazards. AKUT provides first aid to victims and ensures their transfer to safe conditions to minimise loss of life. As Turkey's first search and rescue association AKUT also assists relevant public authorities during natural disasters.
Name of the Project: Emergency Support for Earthquake Survivors and Equipment Purchase for AKUT Teams
Summary: AKUT will provide food and hygiene packages to 250 families currently living in tents./ container homes following the Izmir earthquake. To prepare for future search and rescue efforts, AKUT will purchase equipment needed for their teams and provide training to their volunteers on how to use this equipment.
Total grant 80,000 TRY, Turkey Mozaik Foundation contribution 80,000 TRY
Support to Life Association (STL) is a humanitarian organisation that aims to provide access to basic rights and needs of disaster-affected communities since 2005. STL Emergency Assistance and Response Program prioritises providing access to clean water in disaster areas, improving hygiene and shelter conditions and meeting basic needs for food and other items. STL's other programmes include Refugee Support, Child Protection in Seasonal Agriculture and Capacity Building programs.
Name of the Project: Portable Toilet Support for Earthquake Survivors
Summary: The aim of the project is to improve sufficient hygiene conditions for the people affected by the earthquake by providing portable toilets for temporary tent/container home areas. Given the additional risks associated with the COVID-19 outbreak, STL observed the need to provide additional portable toilets and improve periodic disinfection services. Within the scope of the project, 72 portable toilets will be placed in temporary tent camps in Bornova and Bayrakl for a period of 10 days.
Turkish Psychologists Association Izmir Branch
Total grant 87,000 TRY, Turkey Mozaik Foundation contribution 45,000 TRY
Turkish Psychologists Association Izmir Branch (Turk Psikologlar Dernegi Izmir Subesi) was established to protect the professional rights of psychologists and to promote and develop the science and profession of psychology in Turkey by providing unity and solidarity among psychologists. Beginning with Marmara Earthquake in 1999, TPD continues to voluntarily offer its experience and competencies in all kinds of social crises, traumatic events and disasters.
Name of the Project: Psychological Support for Earthquake Survivors
Summary: With this project, TPD Izmir Branch aims to provide acute and long-term psychological support to people who have been directly or indirectly affected by the earthquake. Firstly, psychosocial support activities will be carried out in the tent/container areas in the first month in accordance with the requirements of the acute period. An analysis will be carried out to determine the needs for the long-term support and 48 psychologists will be trained on trauma intervention techniques. During the remaining 11 months of the project, TPD Izmir branch will provide therapy support to people who experience post-traumatic stress symptoms. Including the acute phase, a total of 2,400 people are expected to benefit the psychological support programme. .
Total grant 70,000 TRY, Turkey Mozaik Foundation contribution 70,000 TRY
Izmir Education Cooperative (Izmir Egitim Kooperatifi - IZEK) aims to be a sustainable cooperative model with the awareness of lifelong learning that strives to create a society with advanced life skills by meeting basic educational needs of individuals from all age groups. IZEK carries out projects and educational activities for young people, refugees and teachers in the fields of art, rural development and quality education.
Name of the Project: Let the Game Begin Again (Oyun Yeniden Baslasin)
Summary: With this grant, IZEK will provide educational drama-focused psychological support (drama therapy) for 144 children, who suffered trauma due to earthquake, for a period of 8 months. IZEK will also prepare the Child-Centered Earthquake Management Handbook which will provide a roadmap on how to work with children during emergency situations. IZEK will promote and disseminate this handbook to different stakeholders such as public institutions and CSOs working with children.
Civil Society and Media Studies Association
Total grant 70,000 TRY, Turkey Mozaik Foundation contribution 35,000 TRY
Civil Society and Media Studies Association - Civil Pages (Sivil Toplum ve Medya Calismalari Dernegi-Sivil Sayfalar) aims to make the experiences and work of civil society organisations in Turkey more visible to the public authorities, media, and other CSOs through civil society journalism. Civil Pages draws attention to both thematic and cultural diversity existing in the civil society area in Turkey as well as emphasising its diversity.
Name of the Project: Monitoring and Advocacy for Earthquake Research Commission Project
Summary: Within the scope of this Fund, Civil Pages will carry out monitoring, evaluation and awareness rising activities on the Research Commission for the Investigation and Determination of Measures Against the Earthquake (Depremlere Karsi Alinabilecek Onlemleri Arastirma Komisyonu) which was established as a result of the joint will of all political parties represented in the Grand National Assembly of Turkey following the earthquake in zmir. Civil Pages will publish a news series (and a final report) on the work of the Research Commission and will organise an online workshop to facilitate the involvement of CSOs in Commission's working processes
23 November 2020
Applications for Izmir Earthquake Relief Fund closed on 11 November 2020, with 29 organisations requesting over 2.3 million TRY from the Fund. Shortlisted applications were evaluated by Turkey Mozaik Foundation and Support Foundation for Civil Society last week. We are proud to announce the following five organisations as the recipients of the Fund, with projects focusing on immediate emergency relief, longer term psycho-social support for adults and children affected by the earthquake, and improving civil society preparedness for future disasters.
* AKUT Search and Rescue Association / Arama Kurtarma Dernegi
* Support to Life Association / Hayata Destek Dernegi
* Turkish Psychologists Association / Turk Psikologlar Dernegi Izmir Sube
* Izmir Education Cooperative / Izmir Egitim Kooperatifi
* Civil Society and Media Platform Association / Sivil Toplum ve Medya Calismalari Dernegi
You can continue to donate to the Fund via this page until 30 November 2020. All Funds will be distributed to the grantees the first week of December and we will keep you updated of projects details and progress in the upcoming months. Thank you for your support.
7 November 2020
A new report, assessing the current needs on the ground, has been released by Hayata Destek (Support to Life) on November 6th, 2020. According to this report , the most pressing need on the ground is latrines, as well as associated staff to maintain hygiene and cleanliness.
As you may recall from our previous update, in partnership with Support Foundation for Civil Society, we made an open call to civil society organisations in Izmir and the deadline for this open call is November 11th. We will keep you posted on the most recent developments.
5 November 2020
Thanks to our supporters, our campaign has exceeded GBP 30,000 (including Gift Aid) from more than 450 supporters. We are truly grateful for the support we have received from many countries across the globe.
On 3 November, in partnership with Support Foundation for Civil Society, we have made an open call to civil society organisations working in Izmir. The link for the open call and the details for applications can be found here .
Application deadline is 11 November and we will aim to announce our grantee organisations very shortly after that.
2 November 2020
As of today, the campaign passed its 20,000 GBP target with over 300 donors' contributions and will be open until end of November. We would like to thank all of you for your valuable donations and spreading the word via your networks and social media channels.
We are in close contact with our civil society partners on the ground in Izmir. Our Elazig Earthquake Relief Fund grantee, Hayata Destek / Support to Life disseminated its first rapid assessment yesterday. You can read their report here. We will be launching a simplified grant application process tomorrow, with selection / distribution of funds to NGOs in the field aimed within the next two weeks.
Please continue to follow our updates via this page and our social media channels, and do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries about the campaign.
30 October 2020
We have started an Emergency Fund to help Izmir and the surrounding areas that were hit by a massive earthquake earlier today - Friday, 30 October 2020.
Civil society organisations in the field have already been mobilised to help with rescue efforts and to provide immediate needs such as food, shelter, water, and medicine.
Thanks to our supporters we have mobilised more than GBP 25,000 via the Elazig Earthquake Relief Fund and the Refugee Relief Fund to civil society organisations in 2020. For this campaign, we will continue to work closely with representatives and support networks of Turkey Mozaik Foundation grantee partners to ensure that funds are directed to carefully selected organisations on the ground for maximum impact.
Turkey Mozaik Foundation will start the Fund by allocating GBP 5,000 to Izmir Earthquake Fund, which we hope will grow thanks to your donations and make a meaningful contribution to the rebuilding efforts in the aftermath of this catastrophe.
Thanks in advance for your generous contributions to our campaign.
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