Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA) is a global research and policy nonprofit that is focused on cutting-edge research quality and innovation. IPA tests promising ideas across contexts and along the path to scale, shares findings with the right people at the right time, and equips partners to use data and evidence to improve lives.
Their annual demonstrated impact includes:
Relaunching a program to reach 2,500 individuals with cash and therapy in the highest-risk neighborhoods in Monrovia after a 10-year follow-up study assessing program impact on reducing crime in Liberia.
Scaling up the program Becoming One, an evidence-informed faith-based couple counseling program that reduces intimate partner violence.
Continuing to innovate on research methods, generating new empirical evidence on a range of topics that have practical application such as: how to ensure women are adequately represented in random digit dial phone surveys, how to coach caregivers to support accurate measurement of child malnutrition, and how to use satellite imagery data to enhance survey-based measures of poverty.