*Erica's story
"I moved up to Aberdeenshire whilst I was pregnant and without the support of Home-Start and their volunteers, I seriously worry now how I would have survived those early years. The relationship with my child's father fell apart quite quickly after the birth of our child, and I was left isolated, with little to no support, and knowing few people in the local community. From the beginning of my contact with them, I found the team to be warm and caring, professional, insightful - and deeply helpful. They got me information on services that benefitted me such as counselling as well as information on groups in the area for me to attend. The individuals from the team were always available to offer support or encouragement - often before I even knew I needed it, or that it was available. They matched me up with a wonderful volunteer - it literally feels that this woman saved my sanity with her support and love for my child, simply allowing me space to breathe. It takes a village to raise a child - Home-

Start was my village during a time when I was isolated and alone. The benefit to both myself and my child was immense - we wouldn't be the strong, resilient, confident individuals we are now without their support in those early years and I am so deeply grateful for their presence and support. So much so, that I am now a volunteer and ready to give back into the community some of what was given to me.