During the Coronavirus lockdown we cannot go to church so Holy Cross is reaching out to its parishioners and the wider community with great success.
The parishioners and the wider community are enjoying weekly video services, the church newsletter and monthly magazine have gone electronic (and some posted for those without computers) and the Rector - Father John and other members of the church family are making regular phone calls to all parishioners to strengthen the church family bonds and make sure they are keeping safe and well.
There are lots of costs involved in running a church that do not stop while it is closed so we are appealing for your support to help us continue our work throughout the lockdown. We appreciate any donation as every penny helps towards looking after the wellbeing of the whole church family.
Thank you for reading our appeal and if you have any questions or wish to setup a regular donation to Holy Cross Church then please email our Treasurer (hx.tres@gmail.com).