We estimate that we need to raise £25,000 to enable us to continue our work and support our local brain injury survivors through this worrying time.
For many of our members, we are their lifeline.
Added to the reduction in our income we have also incurred additional expenditure in response to COVID-19, purchasing additional equipment and resources to assist us in our new delivery model.
Several have been using our support services for decades and for us not to be here for them when they are counting on us most would be utterly devastating. Not just for the person suffering with the brain injury, but also their family, friends and carers.
Headway Leicester was founded to support this hidden disability and we are determined that we must continue to be there for our members over the weeks and months to come, when they may need us more than ever before.
We are also still receiving referrals from individuals and families who desperately need our help as they seek to come to terms with their brain injury. As the only local charity providing specialist support, it's vital we can continue to provide the advice and comfort to those who need us most as we help them navigate through this life changing event in their lives.
So we are asking you to help. If you have ever thought about donating to us, now is the time.
Today, perhaps more than most, we are hoping we can count on you.
With your help we can ensure that Headway Leicester can provide stability and structure for our vulnerable members whilst they are unable to access their usual services.
Please give £30 - or anything you can. Your donation will help pay for:
- Weekly activity packs, which include quizzes, sudako, easy to follow recipes and links to virtual museums and galleries. We are currently sending out over 65 packs a week.
- Tailored projects, such as a simple craft activity, knitting, mosaics all of which we know our members enjoy and also aids their recovery.
- Access to our Headway Community, via our Digital Day Centre where members will be able to engage and access an array of activities via Zoom, but more importantly will be able to see and catch up with their Headway friends.
- Wellbeing helpline. For those who do not want to access our Digital services we are still providing support over the phone to members and their families, as well as providing any additional support they need.
Living with a brain injury creates a complex set of needs which affects every part of a persons life and can diminish their self-esteem and confidence. A brain injury is also associated with greater mental health problems, higher rates of depression and mood disorders. The physical, emotional and cognitive effects can be devastating on an individual and result feelings of social isolation and loneliness.
Feelings of isolation have become even more heightened as a result of COVID-19 and the majority of our members are struggling with the lack of routine making them extremely vulnerable during this time of uncertainty.