Hannah is 4 years old girl from Feltham. She is our miracle because we were waiting 6 years for her.
Hannah was born in a poorly condition at 29 weeks receiving only 1 Apgar point. She stayed in hospital 11 weeks with breathing problems. When she came home we were in heaven and we started enjoy being parents.
When Hannah was 1 year old her MRI scan showed periventricular leukomalacia and a diagnosis of cerebral palsy diplegia was made. For us parents, it was very hard time but, what we can do? We need to fight for her to have a better life.
We are very lucky because she qualifies for NHS funded life changing surgery called SDR at Great Ormond Street Hospital, but after this she needs a minimum of 2 years intensive physio to ensure that operation is successful.
Hannah is a fighter and a spirited little girl, very chatty, smart and clever. She dreams to walk, run, jump and dance! With the aid of splints she can walk with her walker or sticks. She is always smiling and never give up.
We need to do everything possible so that Hannah will have a happy and full life.
Please help Hannah to walk independently.
Please follow Hannah on Facebook
Thank you for all your help.
Hannah's parents