Close to the Pakistan border in the east of Afghanistan, a school sits on top of a remote hill overlooking a green valley. At first glance, you wouldn't guess it's a school. There are no windows, doors, blackboards, desks, or chairs. Amongst the chaos and fighting of the past five years, doors were ripped from the hinges and furniture looted from the school. It's the skeleton of the building it is supposed to be, and it is surprising that this is the centre of education for 1,200 boys and girls who live in the district of Pachir Wa Agam.
In winter, cold wind howls through the classrooms as the children sit on the floor, while in summer the same wind whips hot sand through the entire school. Despite this, the students and teachers still attend Koz Agam School day in, day out, knowing that if Afghanistan is to prosper in the future it starts in these classrooms.
Koz Agam School is located in Pachir Wa Agam district, Nangahar province. The region saw heavy fighting from 2017 to 2021, which has resulted in heavy damage to the schools infrastructure. Following the end of fighting in the region, the school reopened immediately and HALO's teams cleared mines from within 200m of the school to make sure children could walk to school without risking their lives every morning and afternoon. Now, the students of Calday Grange Grammar School are leading an incredible initiative to make Koz Agam as safe and comfortable as possible for the 1,200 boys and girls to study.
With your kind support, we can successfully refurbish Koz Agam School, which will contribute hugely to enriching the lives of the students. Thank you.