Going the Extra Mile For Others !
As with so many charities, lockdown has been a disastrous time for fund raising activities. The Mothers Union in the Diocese of Salisbury needs your help.
Inspired by Captain Sir Tom Moore and following in the footsteps of The Walking Madonna, Revd Joanna Naish, Diocesan Chaplain and Rosie Stiven, Diocesan President are taking to their bikes and walking boots. Jo is aiming to ride from Tisbury to Iona in October and Rosie has pledged to 1,000 miles this year. Can you join in every step, however small will count! Sign up today, get sponsored, make a donation!
Your donations will directly to help provide -
Caravan holidays/days out for families, key workers and carers .
Arts/Craft activities for prisoners and Christmas presents for their children
Items for Salisbury Womens Refuge; helping families who flee domestic abuse and need rehousing.
Knitted blankets and Baby bundles for the maternity dept at SDH.
Please donate now!