Over five thousand generous supporters have gone above and beyond to help SiMBA survive the most challenging time in our 15 year history. We want to give our heartfelt and sincere thanks to every single SiMBA Saviour who has supported us.
Now, we continue working hard in our aim to gift a Memory Box to every bereaved family in the UK at their most traumatic time of loss. For the remainder of 2023, we are depending on the ongoing generosity of our supporters in keeping SiMBA safe so we can continue our work with a steadiness and reliability.
This year, we predict that around 11,000 bereaved families will request a Memory Box to create unique and priceless memories to honour their little one.
SiMBA is committed to making sure that no bereaved parent will leave hospital without precious memories in their arms. In the aftermath of their loss, the whole family will gain comfort and strength by sharing and chatting about the contents of their baby's Memory Box (including; hand and foot prints, a wisp of hair, a tealight candle, a birth acknowledgment, a pair of tiny knitted teddies and blankets, a supportive letter from another bereaved parent and even a children's book to read to the baby and later to siblings.) We are proud to say that our Memory Boxes are meticulously put together by our dedicated volunteers with love, care and compassion. No one should go through the loss of a cherished baby alone.
Please, if you can, donate here. And if you would like and you feel ready, you can leave a message in memory of your baby.
Share our Keeping SiMBA Safe message far and wide; Share, comment, link and tag using hashtag #Givingmemories. #Keeping SiMBA Safe
Thank you so much.