It will show my child the progress they have made and help them keep amazing memories of all the fun things they did in refuge and in our new house. (Mother of a 3 year old)
I will be able to write down my memories of my days out in the book. (8 year old boy)
Having sessions away from me with the workers helped rebuild my daughters confidence and trust in adults. (Mother of 3 year old)
These are just a few of the comments we have received from children and their mothers about our CYP Team and the support and resources they offer.
Our CYP Team provides support to children and young people who are affected by domestic abuse whether in their families or in their own relationships. Support includes; one to one support, groupwork, advocacy work and awareness raising workshops.
Our CYP Team and young people also recently designed and compiled our 'My Big Journey Journal' to help children document their journey through refuge and into their new home after experiencing or witnessing domestic abuse.
It's so important that we are able to provide all our families with resources to support them in their recovery, that are accessible and tailored to their needs.
Your donations can help us continue to provide these resources and more:
- Could help us cover the costs of involving young people in participation work to ensure their voices are heard.
- Help purchase materials for a child to take part in a children's group activity like baking or an arts and crafts project to help them gain confidence and encourage involvement with others.
- Could help cover costs for a child to have a session with our Play Therapist. This includes travel, subsistence, materials and equipment.
- Help us to maintain our play flats and outdoor children's areas ensuring children feel they have a safe space they can go to.
- Could assist with costs of providing legal support to mother's going through the court system, child contact issues or receive general legal advice.
- Help provide an emergency pack for a family fleeing domestic abuse. In the majority of cases, women turn up at GWA with only the clothes on their back. Your donation could help to provide essential items such as toiletries, nappies and food.
Women's Aid helped me and my mum be happy again. (8 year old boy)