In the immediate term we will be directing funds to a Ukrainian community philanthropy organization, Moloda Gromada ("Young Community"), which is based in Odessa. Moloda Gromada was established in 2004 to bring people together around local issues, and to provide a platform for citizens to address the challenges and priorities that they identify as being most pressing. It has been particularly innovative in using technology to facilitate citizen participation, and has gained national attention and support for its work in this regard (specifically its "SOS-Protocol" App). Moloda Gromada works with an extensive network of partners and volunteers, and is very much embedded in the local civil society sector. They need our support now in order to face this difficult moment in Ukraine.
We also have community philanthropy partners in Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Hungary who we know are already providing various forms of support to individuals and families arriving in their communities from Ukraine. As the situation evolves, we may also extend our support to them.
Separately, the GFCF is also providing grants to these organizations as part of our core work.